()  CPD ()  Coaching ()  IIS ()  Learning ()  LifeTrack ()  Powershell ()  Race ()  Retrospective ()  Training () 3DPrinting (1) 3dprinting (1) Allergy (1) Arduino (1) AtTiny (2) Bob (2) Coding (1) Coding (1) Fencing () Fimo (1) Information Design (1) Jo Cox (1) LED (1) Making (4) Octopus Deploy () Plywood (1) Ritchie (1) SQL Server (1) Triathlon (1) Triathlon (1) Triathlon (1) WS2812https://github.com/kianryan/nightlight (1) Wood (1) accessibility (1) adventure games (1) adventure gaming (2) adventure-gaming (3) adventuregaming (1) android (2) android. photography (1) apple (1) arduino (2) attiny85 (1) barcamp (1) basic (1) bivvy (1) blogging (1) book (2) budapest (1) build-tools () c++ (1) capacitance (1) chromecast (1) coaching (4) code (3) coding (2) coniston (1) cpm (2) crackberry (1) crowdfunding (1) customer-service (1) darkroom (1) docker (1) dos (1) dreamfall (1) dreamfall chapters (1) dual clock (1) dual serial (1) edc (1) education (1) eink (1) electronics (9) elidir fawr (1) emfcamp (1) esp32 (1) esp8266 (1) etextiles (1) fencing (7) fie (1) first post (1) fitness (1) forth (1) gadet (1) game (1) gaming (6) gaming adventure-gaming texmurphy (1) gear (1) gif (1) hiking (4) honeymoon (1) hudl2 (1) inform (1) interactive-fiction (1) jekyll (1) jobs (1) jupiter ace (1) keyboard (1) kickstarter (1) kit (1) led (1) legacy (1) lgbtqa (1) lifetrack (1) lightweight-gear (1) long-distance (1) magicsmoke (1) make (1) makerfaire (1) making (5) markdown (1) mastodon (1) mbp (1) microadventure (1) minstrel 4th (1) mx (1) myst (1) newphone (1) newsnight (1) nodemcu (1) nope (1) oauth (1) octoprint (1) openssh (1) openwaterswimming (1) opl (1) ortable (1) pandoc (1) pascal (1) pico (1) pigfx (1) pipico (1) pirate (1) prusa (1) prusamini (1) psion (8) python (1) raspberrypi (7) rc2014 (7) rc2014-ym2149 (1) regression (1) repair (1) retro (5) reuse (1) review (3) rs232 (4) sbc (2) serial (4) series 3 (1) sheffield (1) snowdonia (1) soldering (1) sparkfun (1) spectrum (1) sport (1) ssh (1) stolen (1) tablet (1) technology (3) tesco (1) testing (1) tetris (1) tex-murphy (1) the longest journey (1) tidal (1) tiny2040 (1) triathlon (3) twitch (1) twitter (1) vim (1) vivoactivehr (1) vorple (1) vscode (1) wales (1) wordle (1) writing (1) ws28128b (1) wtf (1) x10 (1) xoom (1) z80 (3) z80asm (2) zork (1)


  CPD ()

  Coaching ()

  IIS ()

  Learning ()

  LifeTrack ()

  Powershell ()

  Race ()

  Retrospective ()

  Training ()

 3DPrinting (1)

Pomodoro Clock

 3dprinting (1)

Making Changes To Our Little Prusa Mini

 Allergy (1)

Designing For Food Allergies

 Arduino (1)

Making a Nightlight - Lessons Learned

 AtTiny (2)

Pomodoro Clock
Making a Nightlight - Lessons Learned

 Bob (2)

Bob 6 – Bob’s Festive Message
Bob 4 – Tests

 Coding (1)

Designing For Food Allergies

 Coding (1)

Designing For Food Allergies

 Fencing ()

 Fimo (1)

Pectoral Cross

 Information Design (1)

Designing For Food Allergies

 Jo Cox (1)

Jo Cox's Death ... outside the bubble.

 LED (1)

Pectoral Cross

 Making (4)

Pomodoro Clock
Pectoral Cross
Making a Nightlight - Lessons Learned
Plywood Shelving, An Afternoon of Wood

 Octopus Deploy ()

 Plywood (1)

Plywood Shelving, An Afternoon of Wood

 Ritchie (1)

Dennis Ritchie vs Steve Jobs

 SQL Server (1)

Sql Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services – 503 Error

 Triathlon (1)

2017-2018 Triathlon Season Review

 Triathlon (1)

2017-2018 Triathlon Season Review

 Triathlon (1)

2017-2018 Triathlon Season Review

 WS2812https://github.com/kianryan/nightlight (1)

Making a Nightlight - Lessons Learned

 Wood (1)

Plywood Shelving, An Afternoon of Wood

 accessibility (1)

A One Handed Accessible Keyboard, Inspired by FrogPad

 adventure games (1)

Starship Titanic

 adventure gaming (2)

Dreamfall Chapters
Zork Nemesis

 adventure-gaming (3)

Writing Interactive Fiction with Inform 6 and Vorple
First Impressions - Tex Murphy - Tesla Effect

 adventuregaming (1)

King’s Quest 2015

 android (2)

SSH on Android
24… 72… Since Thursday with a Motorola Xoom

 android. photography (1)

Who Needs a Laptop? Photo Management on Android

 apple (1)

New MBP, Developer Tools Not Year Ready

 arduino (2)

Capacitive Sensing Through Moderately Thick Glass
Little Invader

 attiny85 (1)

An AtTiny85 and WS2812B Pirate Chest with Recycled PLA

 barcamp (1)

Barcamp Sheffield

 basic (1)

RC2014 - a Modular Z80 Computer, and a BASIC Adventure

 bivvy (1)

Offa’s Dyke – Part 1 of Many

 blogging (1)

Getting Markdown Out of the Psion

 book (2)

Tetris, Two Books, Five Blocks
Book Review – Fire In The Valley

 budapest (1)

FIE Coaching Course in Budapest

 build-tools ()

 c++ (1)

Microsoft Build Tools 2015 are broken

 capacitance (1)

Capacitive Sensing Through Moderately Thick Glass

 chromecast (1)

Chromecast Audio – Quick Review

 coaching (4)

Referees Suck
Teaching The Game
Teaching the Flèche
FIE Coaching Course in Budapest

 code (3)

Remote Development on Windows using Visual Studio Code and OpenSSH
Writing Interactive Fiction with Inform 6 and Vorple
Vim-Csharp Updated

 coding (2)

Psion OPL - A built in development environment, when we owned our devices
Newsnight and the Year Of Code – A Response

 coniston (1)

Coniston, Old Man

 cpm (2)

In The Dark - A Rogue-like game for old and new systems
TinyCPM - CP/M on a Tiny 2040

 crackberry (1)

Under 24 Hours With a Blackberry Priv

 crowdfunding (1)

Crowdfunding Is Nothing New

 customer-service (1)

Tesco – Your Customer Service Is Broken

 darkroom (1)

A Dark Room You Can Take With You, a Pi Pico and EInk

 docker (1)

Online Psion Document Conversion With PsiConv

 dos (1)

In The Dark - A Rogue-like game for old and new systems

 dreamfall (1)

Dreamfall Chapters

 dreamfall chapters (1)

Dreamfall Chapters

 dual clock (1)

The Rough and Ready Guide To Getting Your RC2014 Pro Online

 dual serial (1)

The Rough and Ready Guide To Getting Your RC2014 Pro Online

 edc (1)

Minor Obsession – Every Day Carry

 education (1)

Newsnight and the Year Of Code – A Response

 eink (1)

A Dark Room You Can Take With You, a Pi Pico and EInk

 electronics (9)

HU-017A RDA5807S FM Radio Kit
Yorkshire 2.0
Salvaged Solder Fume Fan
Decade Resistance Box
Power Supply Go Boom
Capacitive Sensing Through Moderately Thick Glass
Sparkfun Benchtop Power Supply
Prototyping the Extension Lights PCB
Little Invader

 elidir fawr (1)

Eldir Fawr, Snowdonia

 emfcamp (1)

Electromagnetic Field 2022 and a Weather App for Your TiDAL

 esp32 (1)

Electromagnetic Field 2022 and a Weather App for Your TiDAL

 esp8266 (1)

NodeMCU Development Board Esp8266

 etextiles (1)

Yorkshire 2.0

 fencing (7)

Prototyping the Extension Lights PCB
Referees Suck
Teaching The Game
Running a Modern, Connected, Fencing Competition
Building a Youtube Live Streaming Camera With A Raspberry Pi
Teaching the Flèche
FIE Coaching Course in Budapest

 fie (1)

FIE Coaching Course in Budapest

 first post (1)

Took You Long Enough…

 fitness (1)

24 ... wait 48 ... wait 72 ... wait, 96 hours with the VivoActive HR

 forth (1)

Jurdle, a Wordle Clone for the Jupiter Ace and Minstrel 4th

 gadet (1)

Gadget of the Year 2014

 game (1)

Little Invader

 gaming (6)

Tetris, Two Books, Five Blocks
Dreamfall Chapters
Starship Titanic
First Impressions - Tex Murphy - Tesla Effect
Zork Nemesis

 gaming adventure-gaming texmurphy (1)

Last Impressions - Tex Murphy - Tesla Effect

 gear (1)

New toys, a few very short term reviews.

 gif (1)

Salvaged Solder Fume Fan

 hiking (4)

Offa’s Dyke – Part 1 of Many
New toys, a few very short term reviews.
Eldir Fawr, Snowdonia
Coniston, Old Man

 honeymoon (1)

Who Needs a Laptop? Photo Management on Android

 hudl2 (1)

Tesco – Your Customer Service Is Broken

 inform (1)

Writing Interactive Fiction with Inform 6 and Vorple

 interactive-fiction (1)

Writing Interactive Fiction with Inform 6 and Vorple

 jekyll (1)

From Twitter to Mastodon, on your Jekyll Home Page

 jobs (1)

Dennis Ritchie vs Steve Jobs

 jupiter ace (1)

Jurdle, a Wordle Clone for the Jupiter Ace and Minstrel 4th

 keyboard (1)

A One Handed Accessible Keyboard, Inspired by FrogPad

 kickstarter (1)

Crowdfunding Is Nothing New

 kit (1)

HU-017A RDA5807S FM Radio Kit

 led (1)

Little Invader

 legacy (1)

Dennis Ritchie vs Steve Jobs

 lgbtqa (1)

Reply to Sonia Sodha's "Stonewall risks all..."

 lifetrack (1)

Minor Obsession – Every Day Carry

 lightweight-gear (1)

New toys, a few very short term reviews.

 long-distance (1)

Offa’s Dyke – Part 1 of Many

 magicsmoke (1)

Power Supply Go Boom

 make (1)

Cat and I Made it to Maker Faire

 makerfaire (1)

Cat and I Made it to Maker Faire

 making (5)

The Sidecar for Psion - A PPP Modem and Linux Terminal for RS232 devices
RS232 and Null Modem HAT for the Pi Zero
A Dark Room You Can Take With You, a Pi Pico and EInk
Connecting a Psion 5MX to a Raspberry Pi with Serial
Electromagnetic Field 2022 and a Weather App for Your TiDAL

 markdown (1)

Online Psion Document Conversion With PsiConv

 mastodon (1)

From Twitter to Mastodon, on your Jekyll Home Page

 mbp (1)

New MBP, Developer Tools Not Year Ready

 microadventure (1)

Offa’s Dyke – Part 1 of Many

 minstrel 4th (1)

Jurdle, a Wordle Clone for the Jupiter Ace and Minstrel 4th

 mx (1)

Psion 5MX - Oh, I've been waiting for this...

 myst (1)


 newphone (1)

Under 24 Hours With a Blackberry Priv

 newsnight (1)

Newsnight and the Year Of Code – A Response

 nodemcu (1)

NodeMCU Development Board Esp8266

 nope (1)

Microsoft Build Tools 2015 are broken

 oauth (1)

Twitch Authentication With Python

 octoprint (1)

Making Changes To Our Little Prusa Mini

 openssh (1)

Remote Development on Windows using Visual Studio Code and OpenSSH

 openwaterswimming (1)

2km in salford quays this morning lovely clear

 opl (1)

Psion OPL - A built in development environment, when we owned our devices

 ortable (1)

Psion 5MX - Oh, I've been waiting for this...

 pandoc (1)

Online Psion Document Conversion With PsiConv

 pascal (1)

In The Dark - A Rogue-like game for old and new systems

 pico (1)

TinyCPM - CP/M on a Tiny 2040

 pigfx (1)

RC2014 Pro, Bowie, and a Merry Christmas

 pipico (1)

A Dark Room You Can Take With You, a Pi Pico and EInk

 pirate (1)

An AtTiny85 and WS2812B Pirate Chest with Recycled PLA

 prusa (1)

Making Changes To Our Little Prusa Mini

 prusamini (1)

Making Changes To Our Little Prusa Mini

 psion (8)

Psion OPL - A built in development environment, when we owned our devices
Connecting your RC2014 to a Psion 5MX, Psion 3, or other RS232 terminal
Online Psion Document Conversion With PsiConv
The Sidecar for Psion - A PPP Modem and Linux Terminal for RS232 devices
RS232 and Null Modem HAT for the Pi Zero
Connecting a Psion 5MX to a Raspberry Pi with Serial
Getting Markdown Out of the Psion
Psion 5MX - Oh, I've been waiting for this...

 python (1)

Twitch Authentication With Python

 raspberrypi (7)

The Sidecar for Psion - A PPP Modem and Linux Terminal for RS232 devices
RS232 and Null Modem HAT for the Pi Zero
Connecting a Psion 5MX to a Raspberry Pi with Serial
Twitch Authentication With Python
Running a Modern, Connected, Fencing Competition
Building a Youtube Live Streaming Camera With A Raspberry Pi
Sort of Getting the Pi

 rc2014 (7)

Connecting your RC2014 to a Psion 5MX, Psion 3, or other RS232 terminal
RC2014 Emulation for Development
Getting Started With z80asm on the RC2014
In The Dark - A Rogue-like game for old and new systems
The Rough and Ready Guide To Getting Your RC2014 Pro Online
RC2014 Pro, Bowie, and a Merry Christmas
RC2014 - a Modular Z80 Computer, and a BASIC Adventure

 rc2014-ym2149 (1)

RC2014 Pro, Bowie, and a Merry Christmas

 regression (1)

A Story About Regression Testing

 repair (1)

Repairing My Family Spectrum

 retro (5)

Serial and Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL)
RC2014 - a Modular Z80 Computer, and a BASIC Adventure
Jurdle, a Wordle Clone for the Jupiter Ace and Minstrel 4th
Repairing My Family Spectrum
Psion 5MX - Oh, I've been waiting for this...

 reuse (1)

Took You Long Enough…

 review (3)

New toys, a few very short term reviews.
Book Review – Fire In The Valley
Gadget of the Year 2014

 rs232 (4)

Connecting your RC2014 to a Psion 5MX, Psion 3, or other RS232 terminal
The Sidecar for Psion - A PPP Modem and Linux Terminal for RS232 devices
RS232 and Null Modem HAT for the Pi Zero
Connecting a Psion 5MX to a Raspberry Pi with Serial

 sbc (2)

RC2014 Emulation for Development
Getting Started With z80asm on the RC2014

 serial (4)

The Sidecar for Psion - A PPP Modem and Linux Terminal for RS232 devices
RS232 and Null Modem HAT for the Pi Zero
Connecting a Psion 5MX to a Raspberry Pi with Serial
Serial and Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL)

 series 3 (1)

Psion OPL - A built in development environment, when we owned our devices

 sheffield (1)

Barcamp Sheffield

 snowdonia (1)

Eldir Fawr, Snowdonia

 soldering (1)

HU-017A RDA5807S FM Radio Kit

 sparkfun (1)

Power Supply Go Boom

 spectrum (1)

Repairing My Family Spectrum

 sport (1)

24 ... wait 48 ... wait 72 ... wait, 96 hours with the VivoActive HR

 ssh (1)

SSH on Android

 stolen (1)

Barcamp Sheffield

 tablet (1)

24… 72… Since Thursday with a Motorola Xoom

 technology (3)

24 ... wait 48 ... wait 72 ... wait, 96 hours with the VivoActive HR
Running a Modern, Connected, Fencing Competition
Building a Youtube Live Streaming Camera With A Raspberry Pi

 tesco (1)

Tesco – Your Customer Service Is Broken

 testing (1)

A Story About Regression Testing

 tetris (1)

Tetris, Two Books, Five Blocks

 tex-murphy (1)

First Impressions - Tex Murphy - Tesla Effect

 the longest journey (1)

Dreamfall Chapters

 tidal (1)

Electromagnetic Field 2022 and a Weather App for Your TiDAL

 tiny2040 (1)

TinyCPM - CP/M on a Tiny 2040

 triathlon (3)

2017 Triathlons - a Year In Review
2km in salford quays this morning lovely clear
Cheshire Triathlon - Setting and Meeting Goals

 twitch (1)

Twitch Authentication With Python

 twitter (1)

From Twitter to Mastodon, on your Jekyll Home Page

 vim (1)

Occasional Vim Tip #1

 vivoactivehr (1)

24 ... wait 48 ... wait 72 ... wait, 96 hours with the VivoActive HR

 vorple (1)

Writing Interactive Fiction with Inform 6 and Vorple

 vscode (1)

Remote Development on Windows using Visual Studio Code and OpenSSH

 wales (1)

Offa’s Dyke – Part 1 of Many

 wordle (1)

Jurdle, a Wordle Clone for the Jupiter Ace and Minstrel 4th

 writing (1)

Getting Markdown Out of the Psion

 ws28128b (1)

An AtTiny85 and WS2812B Pirate Chest with Recycled PLA

 wtf (1)

New MBP, Developer Tools Not Year Ready

 x10 (1)

Who Needs a Laptop? Photo Management on Android

 xoom (1)

24… 72… Since Thursday with a Motorola Xoom

 z80 (3)

TinyCPM - CP/M on a Tiny 2040
Serial and Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL)
RC2014 - a Modular Z80 Computer, and a BASIC Adventure

 z80asm (2)

RC2014 Emulation for Development
Getting Started With z80asm on the RC2014

 zork (1)

Zork Nemesis