Deva Triathlon - Race Report

Deva was my first race at middle distance. It’s been a long journey getting here - in preparation I’ve been steadily building up training and the distance. I’ve done this race previously at olympic distance and enjoyed it immensely. For my money, it may be the best organised race on... [Read More]
Categories: Triathlon

Southport Triathlon - Race Report

Southport serves as a bit of nexus. It’s early in the season, and yet acts as Triathlon England Standard distance championships, ETU qualifiers, and the BUCS Standard championships. As such, it is a bloody fast race. It’s also it’s been going for quite a while a while, here’s some Grandstand... [Read More]
Categories: Triathlon

Clitheroe Triathlon - Race Report

First Tri of the season, this is an odd distance. A bit of a Sprint+, 400m pool swim, 30k ride, 8k run. Results were: Leg Distance Time Swim 400m 00:09:46 T1   00:01:49 Bike 30k 01:09:31 T2   00:01:56 Run 8k 00:43:51 Swim was indoors, in a salinated pool. This... [Read More]
Categories: Triathlon

2017-2018 Triathlon Season Review

For my first season I worked with the excellent ATP template in Joe Friel’s Triathlon Bible. My goal setting was a bit wooly - it was a first season, I had very little idea on what I was doing and it was a very steep learning curve. This second season... [Read More]
Tags: Triathlon
Categories: Triathlon

Plywood Shelving, An Afternoon of Wood

Sometimes, a project is just about pure functionality. We live in a small house, and space is at a premium. The cupboard at the top of our stairs used to contain a boiler, but was removed before we moved in and replaced with a combi-boiler in the kitchen. The previous... [Read More]
Categories: Making

I'm Kian Ryan

TLDR; I sport, code, make stuff, and play adventure games.

Stay safe. Go Make. Trans rights are human rights. Still get f-ed Putin. Might need to stock up on milkshakes.

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