Living With Migraines

I’m … exhausted. I think that’s the right word. When one of these finally passes, it feels like I’ve been competing all day. Before the feeling passes, and I just go back to thinking they’re minor things, I’m going to write about it. [Read More]
Categories: LifeTrack

Project Types – MVC 2 and MVC 3

Visual Studio ends up having a bit of a hissy fit if the project file has the incorrect project type. This appears to be especially common between MVC 2 and MVC3, where your project may have MVC3 binaries, but the MVC2 project type. Visual Studio 11 simply refuses to open... [Read More]
Categories: Code

Treating A Sore Throat

Disclaimer: I claim no medical training. All advice given here is based on my own, highly personal opinion of going through a few days of hell. If any of it helps, great. If some of it happens to kill you, I accept no liability. [Read More]
Categories: LifeTrack

I'm Kian Ryan

TLDR; I sport, code, make stuff, and play adventure games.

Stay safe. Go Make. Trans rights are human rights. Still get f-ed Putin. Might need to stock up on milkshakes.

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