Coffee – Red Roaster, Brighton

It’s a pre-requisite of almost all technical people – a good supply of coffee. I’ve noted in t’ North that our supply of high quality caffine has fallen off completely. Yes there are Neros, Starbucks and Costas, but these provide only mediocre caffine quality. Really high quality coffee can only... [Read More]
Categories: Comment

Leeds Photocamp ’09

Well that was a fun day. Photocamp aims to take the same ideas of unconference that make Barcamp so successful and bring them to photography. This is the second Photocamp held in Europe, both have been held in Old Broadcasting House in Leeds. Sessions over the day have ranged from... [Read More]
Categories: Photog

Books For Bricks

Sometimes the world just decides to drop a large brick on you. Here at Tentacle Towers, we’ve had the work bag and laptop nicked one month from a Barcamp, followed by a break-in this month. [Read More]
Categories: Comment

Trucking Hell

Trucking Hell is the second book by “Bowen T Hunter” and has had something of a turbulent history, not unlike the author himself. The book was scheduled to be published through a real bona-fide publisher and everything. Unfortunately due to one thing and another it didn’t happen, so Hunter was... [Read More]
Categories: Comment

Review (of sorts): Belkin Network USB Hub

The curse of a digital workflow is getting things to play nicely from end to end. If I decide I’m processing a photo on the Mac, then I need to scan the negative, edit the photograph and print it back out at a quality that isn’t going to make me... [Read More]
Categories: Photog

Analogue Photography – Gearing Up

In this increasing age of digital, you would be forgiven for thinking that analogue photography was going the way of the dodo. Not so, in fact it’s benefiting from something or a resurgence over recent years. [Read More]
Categories: Photog

I'm Kian Ryan

TLDR; I sport, code, make stuff, and play adventure games.

Stay safe. Go Make. Trans rights are human rights. Still get f-ed Putin. Might need to stock up on milkshakes.

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