Abel and Cain (Surely Cole? – ed)

It’s a well regarded fact that geeks often live off a combination of pizza, Coke (Dew for our Merkian and enlightened home bretheren) and foodstuffs that generally come with an immediacy. Quite a few of us are also food-geeks, but our planning faculties tend to let us down in having... [Read More]
Categories: LifeTrack

The Massive Dev Chart for Android

Edit: The Orange Tentacle version of the Massive Dev chart has now been unpublished at the request of Digital Truth. Digital Truth now have their own paid version of the application which is availible on the Android Market. [Read More]
Categories: Code Photog

American Soda GEEK Discount

I’ve been in discussions with one of my fine clients American Soda securing a discount for our the needs of fellow geeks. They’re also hoping to sponsor some community events in the future, so if you’re running a BarCamp, local user group or some such give us a ping. [Read More]
Categories: Comment

I'm Kian Ryan

TLDR; I sport, code, make stuff, and play adventure games.

Stay safe. Go Make. Trans rights are human rights. Still get f-ed Putin. Might need to stock up on milkshakes.

There are no ads on this blog and as far as I can remember, never have been.

☕ If you want to support any of the work done here, or elsewhere, you can buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

Our latest ko-fi supporters.

No coffees purchased since we put this little widget live (or in the last two weeks). Others have kindly donated and you can see their donations here.