Bob In Sheffield

At BarCamp Sheffield we were asked to create a tag cloud to represent our interests.  Rather than quickly doodle one out at the venue, I took a blank back with me on the Friday evening to my hotel and drew one in Bob instead.  A few people have asked me... [Read More]
Categories: Bob

Knockin’ on Sheffield’s Door

I have to apologise for this. Barcamp Sheffield launched a competition where entrants had to produce a piece of social media to promote digital media in Sheffield and/or Barcamp Sheffield. [Read More]
Categories: Bob

ISO Countries and Their Codes In SQL

Had a headdesk moment as I sat down this morning to write a delivery page for a web site I’m current working on. I needed a table of countries, their ISO numbers and two and three letter codes. I’ve done this once or twice before, but had misplaced the script... [Read More]
Categories: Code

Beefing up

Mac OS X’s default mail browser,, is a pretty straightforward e-mail client with a few bells and whistles. But for those coming across from e-mail clients such as Thunderbird or Outlook, especially from daily workflows that revolve around e-mail, they may find the out-the-box functionality a little lacking. Cleverly... [Read More]
Categories: LifeTrack

SQL Server Management Studio – Unable to browse databases.

I often end up working in collaborative environments, with SQL Server accounts which only allow me access to one database on any given server. Using the SQL Server 2005 tools, this wasn’t a problem. SQL SMS showed me all the databases available but threw an “access denied” if I tried... [Read More]
Categories: Code

I'm Kian Ryan

TLDR; I sport, code, make stuff, and play adventure games.

Stay safe. Go Make. Trans rights are human rights. Still get f-ed Putin. Might need to stock up on milkshakes.

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No coffees purchased since we put this little widget live (or in the last two weeks). Others have kindly donated and you can see their donations here.