Current Reading

I’m tracking my currently reading over on Bookwyrm, part of the Fediverse.


Sport is a little slow atm. I’m on rehab after being in an RTA in March 2022.


I have a number of client projects on the go, but if you’ve got interesting projects you would like to discuss please get in touch.

I’m doing some interesting work with .NET, React, NodeJs, Typescript, and a whole host of Azure and AWS services. We’re having fun.

I’m doing lots of image processing at the minute, and a fair bit of work with AI services.


When I can, I’m helping out with at Leigh Hackspace, and tinkering with electronics projects. I’ve just finished the Psion Sidecar, and just finishing InTheDark. Next on my desk is a vision based IOT project.

I'm Kian Ryan

TLDR; I sport, code, make stuff, and play adventure games.

Stay safe. Go Make. Trans rights are human rights. Still get f-ed Putin. Might need to stock up on milkshakes.

There are no ads on this blog and as far as I can remember, never have been.

☕ If you want to support any of the work done here, or elsewhere, you can buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi.

Our latest ko-fi supporters.

No coffees purchased since we put this little widget live (or in the last two weeks). Others have kindly donated and you can see their donations here.

This is a now page.

I stole it from Martin Rue, who stole it from Derek Sivers.