King’s Quest 2015

Let me start with a disclaimer. I’ve played and finished all the King’s Quests (with varying degrees of assistance) with the exception of King’s Quest 8. When we bought out first PC, the first game we bought for it was King’s Quest 6. And that was played over and over... [Read More]
Categories: Comment

Teaching The Game

There is more to fencing than standing on a piste and hitting the other person. Especially in a busy competition, where the support of your team or club can have a significant influence on yourself, your opponent or the referee. [Read More]
Categories: Fencing

I'm Kian Ryan

TLDR; I sport, code, make stuff, and play adventure games.

Stay safe. Go Make. Trans rights are human rights. Still get f-ed Putin. Might need to stock up on milkshakes.

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