Vim-Csharp Updated

I’ve updated Vim-CSharp with a few new features. The original aim of this project was to eventually provide autocomplete support for .NET projects. Omnisharp does this so well, there’s no point in duplicating effort. Vim-Csharp is now focussed on increasing developer productivity through better syntax highlighting, snippet completion, and any... [Read More]
Tags: code
Categories: Code

Productivity – IDEs vs Text Editors is Just The Tip

A few months ago, Rob Conery wrote a blog post discussing his career choices, his choice of .NET over PHP and his reasons for doing so. For many .NET developers, most of this will ring familiar, they were already VB6 or ASP developers, and .NET was the next logical choice.... [Read More]
Categories: Comment

Configuring Postfix For Local Development

Whilst working through “Agile Web Development With Rails 4”, I was genuinely surprised to find the author advocating configuring your local development environment to send e-mail via an external SMTP server. To me, this is a bad idea, since there’s a real risk of unintentionally delivering mail to real accounts.... [Read More]
Categories: Code

7 Languages in 7 Weeks… Or Maybe A Bit Longer

Technical writing can be broadly categorised three ways – introductory, reference and developmental. Introductory writing is about introducing the reader to a new subject, hand holding them through the initial steps, and generally taking some of the pressure off learning a new skill. Reference writing is an in-depth look on... [Read More]
Categories: Code

72 Hours Later With The Chromecast

So, we’ve had the Chromecast the better part of a week now. It’s interesting to see how easily it’s slipped in to every day usage. Want to watch a thing, load up on phone, cast to TV. In general, it still “just works”. We even had a few friends around... [Read More]
Categories: LifeTrack

24 Hours With Chromecast

Over the past few years, we’ve used a number of solutions to stream content from various sources around the house. We started out with a classic Xbox running XBMC (when the X really did stand for XBox), then we upgraded to a dedicated media PC which streamed content from our... [Read More]
Categories: LifeTrack

I'm Kian Ryan

TLDR; I sport, code, make stuff, and play adventure games.

Stay safe. Go Make. Trans rights are human rights. Still get f-ed Putin. Might need to stock up on milkshakes.

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No coffees purchased since we put this little widget live (or in the last two weeks). Others have kindly donated and you can see their donations here.